How To Become A Minimalist And Retire Early?

Train Mind To Want Less

Minimalist is someone who practices Minimalism. Keeping up with joneses is a real factor at work and within friends circle. People always try to one up against each other. Consumerism is deeply ingrained into our thoughts and lives for most people. You definitely involve yourself, even if you’re not actively participating in trading things (buy …

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There is nothing wrong in chasing wealth

Chasing Wealth

Chasing wealth is often chastised. The craft of acquiring wealth is generally not understood better because people think it’s NOT OK to talk about money and wealth. Can you only acquire huge wealth via making really high salary income in your 9 to 5 job? Oh, this is for the rich. I have a middleton …

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What is FIRE Movement? How to Pursue FIRE?

Financial Independence Retire Early

The FIRE movement is a new age trend that promotes the idea of having a really healthy and strong financial life to enjoy early retirement. There is no set age threshold for FIRE (Financial Independence and Retire Early). As long as it is before 65, everything is loosely called FIRE. But, most of them who …

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